ApTest Processes and Technologies

In the course of our many projects over our first 10 years, ApTest has worked a lot with processes and technologies for implementing testing. Over time this sort of infrastructure has become one of our specialties.

As much as developing and executing tests, we work with establishing testing processes and software environments in which to perform them. We've collected quite a few technical resources in this space as well as a wide range of experience.

If your project is a traditional test campaign you'll find this track record invaluable - we've "been there and done that" and we not only have the t-shirt, we know how to get your product tested in the most effective and cost-effective way.

If your project is on the unusual side, you'll find we have a propensity for solving complex problems. We relish challenging and sophisticated projects and are proud of our developers' ability to address unique requirements.


A process we implement for you will be unique to your needs. But there's no point in reinventing the wheel. ApTest has developed over the years templates and protocols for many common automated and manual testing tasks, for example:

We'll begin your project from this base of experience and procedures and fit them to a solution specific to your needs.

Infrastructure Development

Projects that involve developing test harnesses, frameworks, and environments we call infrastructure projects. Often the goal of these projects is test development and some special infrastructure is needed to facilitate this. Other times the goal is developing the infrastructure itself.

Here are a few examples of some of the infrastructure-intensive projects our staff has performed.


In addition to building a library of test processes we've also collected lots of test technology: tools and test harnesses for developing and executing all kinds of manual and automated tests. Using these technologies can help us get your product done quicker and more reliably than if we had to develop them again for you.

For example, ApTest Manager™ is a web-based tool for managing manual testing. Arising out of needs common to many of our projects, ATM automates and structures defining manual test plans and tracking the results of running them. It also allows you complete access to monitor the progress of projects during every phase from start to finish. Learn more about ApTest Manager.

ApTest is also a partner of two of the leading vendors of automated application test tools: Mercury Interactive and Segue Software. Our staff is thoroughly trained and experienced in applying these and other tools to software from the Desktop to the Enterprise.